Tuesday, March 24


Ergonomics: It is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): these are injuries or pain in the human musculoskeletal system, including the joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons, and structures that support limbs, neck and back

Word ergonomics was derived from the Greek words ‘Ergon’ meaning work and ‘nomoi’ meaning natural laws. Thus, ergonomics can be simply defined as the how workplace and equipment can be best used and designed for comfort, safety, efficiency and productivity.
Ergonomics aims to create safe, comfortable and productive workspace by bringing human abilities and limitations into the design of the room, including the individual’s body size, strength, sensory abilities (vision, hearing), and even attitudes.

Ergonomics principles
1.      Work in neutral postures
·       Proper posture maintenance is necessary
·       Working too long with “C” curve can cause strain
·       Keeping the proper alignment of neck hands wrist are also necessary
2.      Reduce excessive force
·       Excessive pressure or force at the joints can cause injury
·       Better to minimize the work that requires more physical labour
3.      Keep everything in reach
·       Keeping everything in reach would help in avoiding unneeded stretching and strain
·       More or less this principle is related with maintaining good posture.
4.      Work at proper height
·       Working at right makes things way easier
·       Sometimes height can be maintained by adding extensions or avoiding extensions on the chair or tables
5.      Reduce excessive motions
·       Repetitive motion needs to be avoided
·       This can cause disorder and numbness in long run
·       Motion scan be reduced by the use of power tools
6.      Minimize fatigue and static load
·       Fatigue is common in strenuous work
·       Having to hold things for longer period is example of static load
·       Fatigue can be reduced by the intervals and the breaks between the works.
7.      Minimize pressure points
·       One needs to be aware of pressure points
·       Almost everyone of has to sit on chairs that had cushioning, one of the pressure point is behind knees, which happens if air is too high or when you dangle your legs. Pressure point is also created in between your thigh and the bottom of a table when you sit.
·       Anti-fatigue mats or insole can be used
8.      Provide clearance
·       Work area should have enough clearance
·       Let the worker not worry about the bumps that they have to encounter on daily basis.
9.      Move, exercise and stretch
·       Move and stretch when you can
·       It better to take intervals between the works and stretch and move along
·       Stretching technique may differ and depend on the work one does
10.  Maintain a comfortable environment
·       This principle is focused on the other component of the working environment.
·       It is concerned about the lightening, space, cool air and many more.

Importance of ergonomics in housekeeping
a) Increases productivity
b) Reduces the cost
c) Improves the quality of the work
d) Motivate employee to reduce the absenteeism

Analysis of risk factors in housekeeping: Ergonomics perspectives
·       Awkward body postures: Ergonomics help in reducing awkward body postures or positions of the body that deviate significantly from the neutral position. This is usually accomplished with hand-tools, revised procedures, and training.
·       High force applied: Whether lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying an object, hotels should reduce the weight of objects that staff must lift and reduce the amount of force required to push or pull of objects like carts, vacuums, and cleaners. This is usually accomplished with equipment redesign, selection, and training.
·       Rest for the muscle: Hotels should reduce the time housekeeping staff spend on tasks that use the same muscle groups through work pace control and by varying the type of work they do during their shift.
Mitigation of risks in housekeeping by applying ergonomics principle
Risk factors to be identified during work environment

Factors help in reducing the risk during work environment
·       Avoiding repetitive action and modify way of lifting heavy equipment and furniture.
·       Modifying/ redesign work practices
·       Maintaining and modifying body posture and personal habits.
·       Use of cushion pads, lumbar support whiling sitting for the longer time.
·       Modifying workplace layout/ equipment


  1. 08211002218 Vishal gupta
    08511002218 Sugeet budhiraja

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  3. Harshpreet Singh 09011002216
    Date 26/03/2020


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